Writers Club: September
When speaking about things we love about ourselves, it’s easy to fall into the trap of feeling conceited or self centered—why? What’s could be wrong with speaking of ourselves in kind terms in a world so full of self deprecation? We deserve the freedom to speak our minds about ourselves in a positive light without fear of coming across egotistical.
For this month's journal prompt we ask, what do you love about yourself? What do you truly, wholeheartedly love about yourself? Not just what physical parts of you (all self-love is welcome of course), tell us about little things, like how well you can whistle or hold your breath or about how you love the way you dance in the car with the music all the way up or how you always answer the most questions right when your grandparents put on jeopardy. Maybe it’s how loyal you are, or how big your heart is. Do you totally dig the way you look with your hair down that certain way? Be unapologetic. Brag a little; love a lot.
You can submit your piece below if you have it typed up, or snap a photo of it and email it to journal@girlvanayoga.com, just be sure we can read it all. You choose whether you want author cred or if you’d rather submit anonymously. Just be sure to send it through before September 31st. Next month, new topic.
Written by our new community assistant, for our journal, Kayla. Writer, high school student in Miami, yogi, and brilliant mind who is about to level things up here on our blog. Stay tuned.