Moving The Ivy


Day three at the beautiful Bodega Ridge was like a savasana adjustment; a nice gentle push you didn't know you needed that allows you to go deeper

The day started off with spiced oatmeal to warm the soul and a vegan potato kale pie that satiated the stomach. 

After breakfast, we started my personal favourite part of the days we spend here; the yoga practice. To start, we woke up our bodies with emotionally charged Kundalini breathing techniques and from there moved into a charged up yoga class that went by as quickly as we flowed through Sun Salutations.

Since we were thoroughly unified with our breath and bodies, we were all present in our third eyes, empathetic at heart, and welcoming in soul. In other words, we were ready to move the ivy away from covering the doors to our inner selves and let everyone in which is exactly what we did. 

Letting out bottled up emotions takes a toll on one's body, so for lunch we grabbed some delicious noodles with red sauce; an easy to please classic. 

To clean away any trace of the baggage we're letting go, we made our way down to the beautiful Pacific ocean, on-looking lush green forest and snow-capped mountains. The water was chilly, but revved up the inner working engines of our bodies and revitalized us all in different, much needed ways. For some it marked moving freely in their bodies the way they wanted, others it grew friendships along the mossy banks, and others simply a new start in this huge, ever-expanding universe. 

To match the ocean, salmon was served for dinner and after we had a talent show chalk-full of music, laughter, love, dancing and deep gold light


